Easily manage your tasks by the type of day it is and only see them when all appropriate conditions are met!
"Today!" makes it much more easy to manage your tasks by only showing you the ones that matter!
Think about it…You couldnt clean your closet on a work day and you wouldnt want to on a sunny day off, but you could and would want to on a rainy day off, so shouldn’t your phone only tell you to clean your closet if you have the day off and its raining?
"Today!" only shows you a task if it’s the type of day you would want to actually do it.
How it works:
When you open the app for the first time any day, you will be prompted to check off options to characterize today. Is it raining or sunny? Do you have the day off, or do you have work or school?
You can create as many conditions as you want. Once you select the conditions for the day, you will be shown all the tasks that fit under those conditions. Don’t worry about forgetting about a task before it’s due — You can view all your tasks sorted by due date easily from anywhere in the app.
Key Features:
- Unlimited Tasks
- Unlimited Conditions
- Due Dates
- Check Off Tasks
- View All Tasks organized by due date and see each task’s Conditions
- Apply as many Conditions to a task as you want
- Change Conditions throughout the day as much as you choose